How Much Money Can You Save Using Reusable Nappies?

Parents are increasingly turning to reusable nappies for their cost savings and environmental benefits. But just how much money can you expect to save compared to disposable nappies? Let’s break it down in detail and show you why reusable nappies are a smart choice:

The Cost of Disposable Nappies

Did you know that babies typically use 4,000–6,000 disposable nappies from birth to potty training? At an average cost of £0.15–£0.35 per nappy, the total quickly adds up especially as your little one gets bigger since newborn disposables tend to be cheaper than sizes 4, 5, 6+.

Total cost of disposable nappies from newborn:

  • £1200–£2,100 per child

These nappies are convenient, but they’re also a major expense (cost and to the planet) —and one that adds up for families with multiple children!

The Cost of Reusable Nappies

A full set of reusable nappies (usually 20–30 nappies) will cost between £250–£650 upfront but you can save when you buy our reusable nappy bundles!

Shop Reusable Nappy Bundles & Kits.



Take a look here to download our size guide.

While this initial investment is higher than buying a single pack of disposables, reusable nappies can last for years and be used across multiple children!

Of course you will also need to account for washing costs, which include:

  • Electricity, water, and detergent: £80–£160 per year*

Total cost of reusable nappies:

  • £330–£850 per child*

How Much Can You Save Per Child?

When you compare the costs, the savings become clear. Families typically save between £500–£1,750 per child by using reusable nappies instead of disposables. The exact amount depends on how many nappies your child uses and your washing & drying habits.

Savings for Families With Multiple Children

Reusable nappies really shine when you consider families with multiple children. Since nappies can be reused for younger siblings, the savings multiply. For every additional child, you could save another £600–£2,000!

Additional Ways to Maximise Savings

Want to stretch your budget even further? Here are some tips:

  • Resell your nappies: After your children outgrow them, you can resell your reusable nappies and recoup part of the initial investment.
  • Air-dry your nappies: Reduce laundry costs by line drying nappies instead of using a tumble dryer.

Conclusion: Reusable Nappies Save Money and More!

Switching to reusable nappies can save UK families £500–£2,500 or more, depending on the number of children and laundering habits. Beyond the financial benefits, reusable nappies are a more sustainable option, reducing waste and helping the environment.

If you’re looking for a way to cut costs while making an eco-friendly choice for your family, reusable nappies are a clear winner!

*Washing costs can be affected by your water area, electricity supplier and your detergent brand of choice.